Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Things to Know about Bipolar Disorder Types

By Dmitry Vasenyov

There are many types of bipolar disorder. These days, doctors can distinguish one type from another with the help of specialized categories for the bipolar disorder. And this helps them to discuss with their patients what problems that have. For example, hypomania belongs to bipolar disorders and in most cases is overlooked. This is so because the hypomania does not cause a lot of problems and thus the treatment is not required. Frankly speaking, it could help people because they could think faster, which makes them more optimistic about their future.

Today bipolar I is considered to be the most common disorder associated with bipolar disorders. People suffering from bipolar I traditionally alternate from the state of mania to the state of depression. People with this disorder could have a high opinion of themselves one moment and then swing the opposite way and having little if any consideration for themselves. As well patients alternate from having periods of fast paced activity which could seem outrageous and strange to lows when they feel desperate with thoughts of suicide.

Nowadays bipolar I is considered to be the most difficult disorder to treat. It is useful to treat patients with different mood stabilizers and anticonvulsants. A person suffering from mania or depression can have a psychosis and thus they will need to be prescribed antipsychotic medication so that they could be brought back to real life.

When it comes to bipolar I, depression is hard to be treated. If there is a tendency to become manic, antidepressants could be dangerous for such people. Patients could trigger a cycle of alternating from the state of depression to the state of mania in a short time and back again.

Another type of bipolar disorder is dual diagnosis. This is when a bipolar disorder is combined with excessive intake of alcohol and may include drug abuse. In the majority of cases a person will have started with a bipolar disorder which is undiagnosed and then gone on to drug abuse or alcohol which could mask the main problem of the underlying illness.

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About This Blog

In this blog you will find information about the types of bipolar disorder. There are different types of bipolar disorders. All are mood disorders that cause a person to exhibit alternating moods of highs (mania) and lows (depression). The symptoms of bipolar are similar in all the disorders, but the duration and intensity are different

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